Assessment Weight:
5% of your final course Grade
Practice Array Operations, Custom Objects & Working with Data.
Write a custom object called customerDB that will serve as a object “database” for a strictly formatted set of sample data. To begin, access the following file and copy/paste the contents into scratchpad:
Shared file: assignment2.js (attached)
Be sure to save this file as “assignment2.js”.
This file includes two blocks of code (you will write your customerDB object between them):
โข The block labeled TEST DATA at the bottom is currently commented out, but you must uncomment it to test your solution when you’re ready. After running your code with the TEST Data uncommented, the output in the console should look like this sample (attached test data output).
โข The second block of code at the top of the file (labeled ALL DATA) is an array of objects called “allData”. All the objects in this array follow the same format:
{ type: “customer” /* or “store” or “address”*/, data: { /* object with properties related to the “type” */ }
The “type” is one of “customer”, “store”, or “address”, and the “data” is an object with properties that belong to the “store” or “customer” or “address”. The properties in the “data” object will always have the same names and follow the following convention for each of the following “types”:
type: “customer”
customer_id A primary key used to uniquely identify each customer.
store_id A foreign key identifying the customer’s “home store.”
first_name The customer’s first name.
last_name The customer’s last name.
email The customer’s email address.
address_id A foreign key identifying the address of the customer.
type: “store”
store_id A primary key that uniquely identifies the store.
address_id A foreign key identifying the address of the store
name The name of the store / branch.
type: “address”
address_id A primary key used to uniquely identify each address.
address The street address.
city The name of the city
province The name of the province
postal_code The postal code or ZIP code of the address (where applicable).
Part A: CustomerDB Object
In your assignment2.js file, underneath the “allData” array, declare an object called CustomerDB using “Object Literal
Notation”. This object will contain the following properties & methods
Array Properties
The following are internal arrays that will serve as the primary storage mechanism within the CustomerDB object for all of our sample data
โข customers
This is an array that will contain all the sample data objects that are of type “customer”. It is initialized as an empty array ( ie, [] ) and will be manipulated using the methods in the CustomerDB Object
โข addresses
This is an array that will contain all the sample data objects that are of type “address”. It is initialized as an empty array ( ie, [] ) and will be manipulated using the methods in the CustomerDB Object
โข stores
This is an array that will contain all the sample data objects that are of type “store”. It is initialized as an empty array ( ie, [] ) and will be manipulated using the methods in the CustomerDB Object
Main “insertData” Function ( Method )
The insertData Method is the first method that will be invoked on your CustomerDB object. It is this method that takes all of the sample data and inserts it into the correct arrays (ie: “customers”, “addresses”, or “stores”). It takes one parameter, the allData array from the top of your assignment2.js file and processes it one array element at a time using the following rules:
โข if type is “store”, insert the “data” object into the “stores” array (HINT: there is a function we will write called addStore(storeObj) that will be perfect for this)
โข if type is “address”, insert the “data” object into the “addresses” array (HINT: there is a function we will write called addAddress(addressObj) that will be perfect for this)
Once this method has run, your “customers” array should contain 8 “customer” data objects, your “addresses” array should contain 9 “address” data objects, and your “stores” array should contain 3 “store” data objects and your “database” is built.
Methods to work with “customer” data
โข addCustomer ( customerObj )
โข outputCustomerById( customer_id )
This method takes a number representing a customer_id and outputs all of the customer data for the corresponding customer_id from the “customers” array (including their address from the “addresses” array (HINT: there is a function we will write called getAddressById(address_id) that will be perfect for this), in the format:
Customer customer_id: first_name last_name ( email )
Home Address: address city, province. postal_code Joined: add_date
For Example, CustomerDB.outputCustomerById(26):
Customer 26: Dave Bennett (
Home Address: 3945 John St. Ajax, ON. L7M4T9
Joined: Wed Feb 01 2017 22:13:22 GMT-0500 (EST)
โข outputAllCustomers( )
This method takes no parameters and simply outputs all customers in the same format as above, including a header at the top of the output stating “All Customers”, ie:
All Customers
Customer 26: Dave Bennett (
Home Address: 3945 John St. Ajax, ON. L7M4T9
Joined: Wed Feb 01 2017 22:13:22 GMT-0500 (EST)
Customer 59: John Stevens (
Home Address: 391 Baker St. Apt 231 Mississauga, ON. M4T8S3
Joined: Wed Feb 01 2017 22:13:22 GMT-0500 (EST)
โข outputCustomersByStore ( store_id )
This method takes a number representing a store_id and outputs all of the customer data for the corresponding store_id from the “customers” array in the same format as above, including a header at the top of the output in the format: Customers in Store name
For Example, CustomerDB.outputCustomersByStore(297);
Customers in Store: Scotiabank – Main Branch
Customer 26: Dave Bennett (
Home Address: 3945 John St. Ajax, ON. L7M4T9
Joined: Wed Feb 01 2017 22:29:06 GMT-0500 (EST)
Customer 63: Steven Edwards (
Home Address: 67 Rhymer Ave. Stouffville, ON. L3C8H4
Joined: Wed Feb 01 2017 22:29:06 GMT-0500 (EST)
Customer 73: Melissa Bennett (
Home Address: 3945 John St. Ajax, ON. L7M4T9
Joined: Wed Feb 01 2017 22:29:06 GMT-0500 (EST)
HINT: there is a function we will write called getStoreById(store_id) that can help to get the name of the store with id 297 (for example).
โข removeCustomerById ( customer_id )
This method takes a number representing a customer_id and searches through the customers array and removes the customer with the matching “customer_id” property from the array.
This method must also ensure that the corresponding address is removed from the addresses array only if there are no other “customer” or “store” objects still using it. For example, if we remove Customer 26: Dave Bennett, we cannot remove his corresponding address (address_id: 4536) because his wife, Melissa is still registered and still uses that address (address_id: 4536).
However, If we choose to remove Customer 59: John Stevens, we can remove his address (address_id: 2473), because nobody else is using it.
HINT: there is a function we will write called removeAddressById(address_id) that will be perfect for this.
HINT: to remove elements from the middle of an array, you can either build a new array one element at a time, making sure to NOT include the element you don’t want, or check out the Array.prototype.splice() method.
Methods to work with “address” data
โข addAddress ( addressObj )
This method takes an object of type “address”, and adds it to the “addresses” array.
โข getAddressById ( address_id )
This method takes a number representing an address_id and searches through the “addresses” array looking for an address object that has a matching “address_id”. This method will return the corresponding address object, for example: CustomerDB.getAddressById(2727); will return the object with address ” 287 Brant St. Apt 4A” in the city “Waterdown”.
โข outputAllAddresses( )
This method takes no parameters and simply outputs all addresses in the following format, including a header at the top of the output stating “All Addresses”: ie:
All Addresses
Address address_id: address city, province. postal_code
For Example, outputAllAddresses();
All Addresses
Address 1023: 2895 Yonge St. Toronto, ON. L4C02G
Address 1984: 3611 Main St. West Hamilton, ON. R5O8H5
Address 1757: 1177 Ontario St. Unit 8 Mississauga, ON. L9H6B3
โข removeAddressById ( address_id )
This method takes a number representing an address_id and searches through the addresses array and removes the address with the matching “address_id” property only if the “address_id” is not referenced by any “customer” objects in the customer array, or “store” objects in the “store” array.
For example, if we try to remove the address object with address_id 4536 after Customer 26: Dave Bennett, has been removed, we cannot remove it because his wife Melissa is still a registered “customer” and still uses that address.
However, If we choose to remove the address object with address_id 2727 after Customer 71: Martin Scott, has been removed, we can remove it, because nobody else is using it.
HINT: to remove elements from the middle of an array, you can either build a new array one element at a time, making sure to NOT include the element you don’t want, or check out the Array.prototype.splice() method.
Methods to work with “store” data
โข addStore ( storeObj )
This method takes an object of type “store”, and adds it to the “stores” array.
โข getStoreById ( store_id )
This method takes a number representing a store_id and searches through the “stores” array looking for a store object that has a matching “store_id”. This method will return the corresponding store object, for example: CustomerDB.getStoreById(297); will return the object with name ” Scotiabank – Main Branch”.
โข outputAllStores( )
This method takes no parameters and simply outputs all stores (including their address from the “addresses” array – HINT: the function getAddressById(address_id) is perfect for this), in the following format, including a header at the top of the output stating “All Stores”: ie:
All Stores
Store store_id: name
Location: address_id: address city, province. postal_code
For Example, outputAllStores ();
All Stores
Store 297: Scotiabank – Main Branch
Location: 2895 Yonge St. Toronto, ON. L4C02G
Store 614: Scotiabank – Hamilton
Location: 3611 Main St. West Hamilton, ON. R5O8H5
Store 193: Scotiabank – Mississauga
Location: 1177 Ontario St. Unit 8 Mississauga, ON. L9H6B3
Once you’re ready to test your solution, uncomment the “TEST DATA” block of code and run your code. If your console output looks like this Sample (attached test data output), everything should be working properly.
Please Note, your “Joined:” dates will be different, as you will run your program at a different time.
Assignment Submission:
โข Make sure that the “TEST DATA” block of code is uncommented and that your solution gives the correct output (see test data output as sample) in the web console when run
โข Add the following declaration at the top of your code:
/********************************************************************************* * WEB222 โ Assignment 02
* I declare that this assignment is my own work in accordance with Seneca Academic Policy. * No part of this assignment has been copied manually or electronically from any other source * (including web sites) or distributed to other students.
********************************************************************************/ โข Submit your assignment2.js file to My.Seneca under Assignments -> Assignment 2 Important Note:
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