CS2030S Solved

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1. Suppose we have the following types:
• SubR <: R <: SuperR
• SubE <: E <: SuperE <: Exception
We have the following class A . The implementation of the method foo and other details in A are omitted.
class A {
R foo() throws E { … }
Now, suppose we have a class B that inherits from A . B overrides the method foo in A . Consider the following method declaration of foo in B . Which would violate the substitutability of A by B and thus should not be allowed? Explain your answer in the context of the code snippet below:
void bar(A a) {
try {
R r = a.foo();
// use r
} catch (E e) {
// handle exception
(a) SubR foo() throws E { … }
(b) SuperR foo() throws E { … }
(c) R foo() throws SubE { … }
(d) R foo() throws SuperE { … }
2. Javaprovidesanabstractclasscalled Number thatisthesuperclassofallprimitivewrapperclasses.
Number is also the superclass of BigInteger , a class that supports arbitrary-precision integers. The primitive wrapper classes and BigInteger implement the Comparable<T> interface.
AhBengfirstwrotethefollowingmethodtoconvertanarrayof BigInteger toanarrayof short values. The method takes in a parameter threshold . Any value larger than the threshold is set to 0.
public static short[] toShortArray(BigInteger[] a, BigInteger threshold) {
short[] out = new short[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) { if (a[i].compareTo(threshold) <= 0) {
out[i] = a[i].shortValue();
} } return out;
As he continued to code, he realized that he also needed to convert an array of Integer and an array of Double to an array of short . He thus duplicated his method above and replaced BigInteger with Integer and Double respectively. He ended up with two more methods:
public static short[] toShortArray(Integer[] a, Integer threshold) {
short[] out = new short[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) { if (a[i].compareTo(threshold) <= 0) {
out[i] = a[i].shortValue();
} } return out;
public static short[] toShortArray(Double[] a, Double threshold) {
short[] out = new short[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) { if (a[i].compareTo(threshold) <= 0) {
out[i] = a[i].shortValue();
} } return out;
Soon, he realized that he needed to do this for all other wrapper classes. Instead of overloading the method toShortArray multiple times, he decided to write a single method that generalizes the above methods.
(a) His first few attempts below, however, did not work correctly. Explain why these attempts are not correct.
public static short[] toShortArray(Object[] a, Object threshold) {
short[] out = new short[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) { if (a[i].compareTo(threshold) <= 0) {
out[i] = a[i].shortValue();
} } return out;
public static short[] toShortArray(Number[] a, Number threshold) {
short[] out = new short[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) { if (a[i].compareTo(threshold) <= 0) {
out[i] = a[i].shortValue();
} } return out;
public static short[] toShortArray(Comparable[] a, Comparable threshold) {
short[] out = new short[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) { if (a[i].compareTo(threshold) <= 0) {
out[i] = a[i].shortValue();
} } return out; }
(b) Ah Beng discovered that Java supports generics. Particularly, he found that a type parameter
can have multiple bounds using the & symbol. For instance, <T extends S1 & S2> means that the type variable T is a subtype of both S1 and S2 .
Using generics with bounded type parameters, help Ah Beng to re-write all his methods into a single generic method.
3. Compile and run the following program fragments and explain your observations.
(a) import java.util.List;
class A {
void foo(List<Integer> integerList) {} void foo(List<String> stringList) {}
(b) class B<T> {
T x; static T y;
(c) class C<T> { static int b = 0;
C() {
this.b++; }
public static void main(String[] args) {
C<Integer> x = new C<>();
C<String> y = new C<>();
Past Year Questions
4. Consider the following generic class:
class Wrapper<U extends Comparable<U>> { U value;
After type erasure, what will the type of value be?
A. Object
B. Comparable<U> C. Comparable D. Wrapper
5. Consider the following:
interface I {
abstract class A<T> {
class C extends A<Integer> implements I { }
(a) I i = new A<Integer>();
(b) I i = new C();
(c) A<String> a = new C();
6. Consider the following classes Main and SSHClient , where:
PasswordIncorrectException <: AuthenticationException <: Exception
class Main {
void start() {
try {
SSHClient client = new SSHClient(); client.connectPENode(); } catch (Exception e) {
} }
class SSHClient {
void connectPENode() throws Exception {
try {
// Line A (Code that could throw an exception)
} catch (AuthenticationException e) {
After calling:
new Main().start()
(a) What would be printed if an Exception is thrown from Line A of connectPENode ?
(b) Whatwouldbeprintedifan AuthenticationException isthrownfromLineAof connectPENode ? (c) Whatwouldbeprintedifa PasswordIncorrectException isthrownfromLineA connectPENode ?


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