CS2273 – Solved

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Programming Paradigms Lab Assignment (CS 2273)
Assignment Sheet 4 (Part 1) : Inheritance and Polymorphism using C++
Time : Two weeks

Develop the below mentioned programs using these concepts wherever applicable –
• Any C++ concepts as mentioned in previous Assignments
• Inheritance – Multiple, Multilevel and Hybrid wherever applies
• Dynamic Polymorphism


1. Complete the following classes with suitable data members and methods. In client program take instance of these classes and demonstrate various functionality of these objects.

Class Vehicle { private :
// Price // Manufacturer public :
// Default constructor
// Parametrized constructor
// Copy constructor
// Assignment operator
// Read data
// Display data

Class Car : public Vehicle { private : // Color
// Number Of Seats
// Model

public :
// Default constructor
// Parametrized constructor
// Copy constructor
// Assignment operator
// Read data
// Display data

2. Write a program to design Classes for Student, Clerk, Professor. Each of these Classes should contain below mentioned attributes. Make sure proper class hierarchy is designed following the principle of inheritance.
Provide a mechanism to display the profile/detail of various kind of Object of these class.
Student : Name, Age, Gender, Dept, Year
Clerk : Name, Age, Gender, WorkLoad, Salary
Professor : Name, Age, Gender, Dept, CourseLoad, Salary

3. A plot is broken into different geometric shapes like Triangle, Rectangle and Circle of different size of arbitrary number. Provide a mechanism to sum up total area covered by these shapes.


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