WEB222 Assignment 6 Solved

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This assignment will expose you to the following web technologies: HTML5 and JavaScript.

Your task is to develop a few HTML5 web pages with JavaScript. This assignment must be your own work.

Page requirements:
(1) Welcome page (honesty.html): You must understand and add the following content with your full name in the body section.
โ€œI declare that my assignment is wholly my own work in accordance with Seneca
Academic Policy. No part of this assignment has been copied manually or

I also declare that no part of this assignment has been distributed to other students.
Name: Type your name here

(2) User info page (info.html): this html page will allow a user to fill out his/her information such as first name, last name, password etc. In addition, this html page will have a submit button, a reset button and must support JavaScript validation. The validation requirement is provide below:

A. You must make all fields mandatory to insert for users.
B. First name: Must start with a cap and only alphabet allowed.
F. Education Level: Dropdown list: select and option elements, required.
The Education Level list should contain the following items: – select -, Technical
The option tag for “- select -” should have a value of “0” or an empty string.
G. Education Status: Type of radio. The value should choose from one of the following: Graduated, Current enrolled, Did not graduate. H. Email: use html5 input type for default validation.
I Age: must be in between 18-60.
J The name of the form must be โ€œsignupโ€ to accept userโ€™s input for creating user account. This form must submit to https://httpbin.org/post using the post method only when the form does not contain any validation errors. You have two options for displaying error messages-
(a) Display appropriate messages for each error when the user clicks the submit button. There should not be more than 8 error messages in total for each display. OR
(b)Your code should validate the field immediately after it has been changed (if applicable) (hint: use the onchange or onfocusout etc. event handler to call JavaScript functions). Show only one error for a field, at a time. Appropriate messages must be shown for the invalid field.

error found, then a success alert is displayed and form is submitted to https://httpbin.org/post .

Assignment6 folder honesty.html info.html info.js

(3) Title of each page: the title tag of each page in the head section must have your last name. Failure to do so will result in mark deduction.

Final Submission Guidelines:
a)Zip all of your files as Assignment6.zip
b)Upload the zip file to My.Seneca under Assignments -> Assignment 6 (same
submission procedure as all previous assignments)


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